Well guests, first of all, HAPPY 2019! We are sure that your New Year’s Eve was full of joy, happiness and fun. Without leaving behind how radiant you were with your New Year’s Eve look that surely triumphed. In today’s post we are going to show you briefly how to organize and plan your shopping with time and above all with an optimal result. Are you ready?
To start this year on the right foot we are going to tell you how to plan your shopping. To get that desired dress for your event or that gift for a very special person. Don’t forget to mention that we have surprises coming soon at INVITADISIMA. And remember that next week the sales season starts and you have to organize yourselves in time!
At the arrival of the new year, the most common resolutions are discussed. Such as losing weight after that Christmas lunch and dinner, join the gym, quit smoking, etc.. Some people with willpower reach their goal very satisfied, but on the contrary others are left in the attempt (like some of our team of stylists, hehe). A resolutions that we leave a little aside is that we officially open the range of discounts because at Christmas we have already made the card tremble, but invited what if you have one or more events this 2019?
If there is something we really know is fashion and sales, we can help you. For the day you get the invitation to a wedding, a baptism, a communion, maybe it’s your graduation or you have a special event, you need to know how to organize yourself for that long awaited day so you can be the perfect guest.

Discounts are not only an option to buy basics, it is an opportunity to invest in a piece that shoots up a little in price with which you can show off and look like a star. Take the opportunity to buy that dress of your favorite brand and then tell us about it….
Sale season is really crazy and as soon as we see a discount, we go crazy and give in to temptation. If you have an event, plan your shopping in advance. It is the best time to buy a dress or two along with their accessories, and thus take advantage of the other for another occasion. We recommend that to have your perfect look, think about what colors suit you best, what kind of neckline is perfect for you, IMPORTANT if your event is day or night, the location, the role you represent in that event (godmother, maid of honor, sister, friend …).
There are many factors to consider before the countdown. TIP: buy 2 or 3 months in advance, why so much time, finally you have to think about the size of the garment. Because many brands use a table of measures different from others, the fabric can influence if you are not happy with the result and you expected something different. The accessories for your guest dress and then have a margin for a possible return.
Thanks to our team of stylists at INVITADISIMA you can shine at your next event. Come to them for any questions you may have. Send us a photo of your dress to help you with the combination of accessories and any other questions you may have. SOS Estilistas and we are there in the blink of an eye. We remind you that you can split your purchases so that you can rest assured and feel like the perfect guest without any worries!